These programs are copyrighted by AIRBUS S.A.S., Toulouse, France but may be distributed as freeware. However, the sceneries are copyrighted by the contributors (their names are stated with the files if applicable unless it is Jürgen Kornstädt or myself).
This is *** NOT *** an official Airbus Web Page. This
page is neither supported nor sponsored by AIRBUS
or any of its partners. Please do not e-mail me for any Airbus gifts or
souvenirs. For that kind of requests, please refer to the AIRBUS
Website. Thanks.
Flying Airbus
Screen Saver
This screen saver offers several landscape or art images as background graphics with Airbus planes flying across the screen. The file aisaver.exe is self-extracting. Please unpack it to a free subdirectory. After extraction, run setup.exe from within Windows from the path you extracted the screen saver to for installation. There are 2 different versions available, depending on your Windows version:
For the cockpit views, you need the Cockpit-Pack (1,164,554 Bytes) in addition (applicable for both versions). Just download it, unpack it and copy the files in your \aisaver directory. There is also a new Cockpit-Pack available which contains files in the new high-quality format supported by version 11 (or later). Just download it (3,607,220 Bytes), unpack it and copy the files in your \aisaver directory. The Airbus Screen
Saver for Windows has been downloaded as many times since April 1st, 1996:
Scenery Packs
There are also lots of additional background graphics and aircrafts with customer paintings available, over 2,500 files with ca. 270 megs of data. There are already some in the Flying Airbus Screen Saver package, but if you want more, then
We need your pictures !!! Should you have some nice land- or cityscape pictures from your home area or from last holidays and feel that they might look great with an aircraft flying across it, please feel free to e-mail them to me !!! The images should be in JPEG format with a minimum size of 640x480 (better are 800x600 or 1024x768). One major condition is that you are the copyright owner of those pictures. If you have shot them yourself, this is generally the case. I reserve the right to decide if any and which of of the received pictures are converted into sceneries and are published (pictures of bad quality or unsuitable motifs according to my humble opinion will not be used). Of course you will keep full copyright of the sent pictures, you only agree on by sending them that they may be used and distributed free of charge as sceneries for the Airbus Screen Saver. In the case of use and distribution free of charge as Airbus Screen Saver Sceneries you renounce royalties of any kind. Of course your name will be mentioned on my website in relation with the relevant Scenery Pack (except the case you do not want it, then please let me know).
Special Offer Should you prefer not to download all the stuff (it's over 270 megs), you can order it with me on CD ROM. The cost for one CD is at € 5 shipped within Germany, € 7 or £ 5 within Europe, and worldwide € 15 or US$ 15 by air mail (takes 1-2 weeks) or € 10/US$ 10 by surface mail (takes 6-8 weeks). Please note that I don't make any profit with this service, this is just to cover the costs for the CD-R and shipping & handling. If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail for further details.
Screen Saver Tools You may download an additional toolpack (60,767 bytes) for the screen saver. With this you can add your own subtitles to self-created background scenery etc. But these tools are developped for internal use only and ARE PROVIDED AS IS. ANY SUPPORT AND LIABILITY ARE EXCLUDED AND WILL NOT BE GRANTED. WITH THE DOWNLOAD YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS. ANY INQIRIES CONCERNING THIS TOOLPACK WILL BE IGNORED !!! For any questions or comments concerning download and installation, please send me an e-mail. For questions about any technical details, especially problems running it (troubleshooting), please contact Jürgen Kornstädt, the programmer of the software. By the way, I don't maintain a mailing-list about updates to this site due to the workload related to that. If you wish to be automatically notified about changes for free, please register for this site with Netmind.
© Fridtjof Uth - Last update: August 04th, 2004 |